Blessed Beings, there is a connection to all things. It may be invisible, and therefore seem theoretical, but many scientific studies are continually reaffirming this.
The benefit of the physical realm of separation is the details become reflected and choice becomes projected.
When we observe, we are creating a shift in our own energy field and the energy field of whatever we are observing. Areon speaks to this when they channel and they say, “Eeshah, Ehmah, Ehtah.”
This means (summarized) “We receive you, we love you, we bring your love forward/life is forever changed by this interaction.”
Areon continually reminds us that we never really just hear or see something, we take it into our vibration.
One layer of this powerful statement, “Eeshah, Ehmah, Ehtah” is showing that interaction shifts the potentials of all involved. The Law of Resonance is the mechanism through which the interaction takes place.
There is an exchange of information that has an effect on all energetic structure; creating a push/pull that bends, breaks and shapes form.
Creation is Constant
The stronger the force, the farther the reach. Anger is a strong force and one way to create. But it becomes part of the full information of what has been created, so being clear about it’s totality is important to deal with along the way.
Anger used properly, without harm, can create movement as choice is made to move the energy of injustice.
It can also be used to harm or suppress, so having the courage to be clear about motivation is imperative for your own vibration, whether you are on the giving or receiving end of anger.
The experience of anger, especially to sensitive empaths, is often difficult. That may be their own anger, or the anger of another.
Yet there is nothing bad about anger itself, it’s what’s done with it that determines separation or a layer of new, empowered connection.
According to Areon, Love is the strongest force because deep in its nature is connection.
We return where we began – there is a connection to all things. The strongest force, Love, is naturally connective.
Even to say goodbye to someone and yet hold a powerful Love continues connection, even though it’s now invisible and experienced less directly or concretely.
Using or Abusing Power
What is the difference between using power or abusing power? Ab-using power creates disconnection and is externally focused. Using power (your true power of Love) creates connection.
Abusing power can sometimes be sneaky, and even be an internal sabotage mechanism. But observance will always serve you as you neutralize to the push/pull of experiences.
For example, someone that says, “I love you” but really means “do something for me” is abusing power, even if it takes time to see that manipulation. It may not seem that detrimental, but it has layers of information that erode the connection of Love.
It erodes your true power—Love.
What’s most important is that you realize your own choices within your interactions to create connection—especially inner connection. As you align your information with more clarity and Love, you are amplifying the flow of your energy into your life.
Synchronicities abound.
Using your true power—Love—creates more connection and more Love on Earth.
You use your power when you make choices that align you with more Love. You use your power when you show others how Love interacts—even when you’re saying no, goodbye or disappointing another.
Using your power counteracts the impact of abusing power.
When you meet manipulation with self-love, your true power—Love—impacts your interactions. That is what really changes the world.
We are constantly communicating with our 99% invisible energy. What comes into your consciousness is what is directly related to your focus. As you focus on using the power of Love to lead your life, you start to experience the impact of Love more directly.
When more people are using this power instead of abusing it, the world will change.
Use it wisely.
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Meet Jamye
Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience.