Learn Crystalline Soul Healing

The Crystalline Soul Healing Template heals the patterns, misinformation and trauma that inhibit the natural, loving communication of Life.
You will be able to guide yourself and others toward true healing as you learn to navigate life with adept wisdom and powerful Love.
Crystalline Soul Healing is an energy healing modality for the new paradigm of empowerment and healing as humanity evolves into a more conscious connection with the subtle realm of creation that shapes the physical world.
This class is deeply transformative.
Jamye teaches about each aspect of the Crystalline Soul Healing Template and initiates you into a resonance of access.
As you are aligned with the Template, this silent modality flows powerfully in any situation to heal deeply.
We recommend that you have prior experience receiving and transmitting energy before learning this modality. It is an advanced concept of healing.
Are you ready to amplify your divine birthright of creative power?

Class Includes:

3 Live-Only Days Online
Transform deeply as Jamye initiates you to use the Crystalline Soul Healing Template. The Live-Only ONLINE portion teaches detailed and practical application of the modality.
March 21, 22, 23. 10am – 4pm AZ time
Payment details below.

6 Additional Weeks Online
This portion of class is 6 weeks of additional live teaching and practice to build experience, knowledge and confidence with the modality. Replays available. Certification included.
Saturdays, 10-11:30am AZ time 3/29-5/3
Included in class.

Join Jamye for a powerful initiation into this Lyran methodology.
Please note that Light Language and Crystalline Soul Healing are two separate classes and modalities. Do not take both at the same time, there is too much information and transformation to effectively excel. Jamye will teach both classes again in the summer.
Frequently Asked Questions
I can’t make all the live dates, can I still take the class?
The initial 3 days of class are required live and for you to be on video with the class. The information and initiation that is instilled during that time is vital to the process and can’t be skipped.
The following 6 weeks are preferred live, but you will have access to replays if you can’t attend all five additional weekly calls.
What if I have no experience with energy healing?
This is an advanced modality, so the concepts will be detailed and high-level. Experience with transmitting and receiving is beneficial before taking this class, even if you are not a professional healer yet. You may want to learn about Jamye’s work and philosophy with Ascension and healing through her newsletter or other offerings before deciding if this class is right for you.
What is the refund policy?
The specific refund policy for each class is available on the purchase page. You will be offered a 95% refund within a specific timeframe before class. After that date has passed, no refunds will be given. You may choose to defer your attendance for one year.
How do I become certified?
All students attend the whole class (3 days live-only + 6 weeks of additional practice), but those who choose certification will complete specific exercises during the practicum portion and submit forms that detail their work. When certification is completed, you are provided with marketing materials to use with the Crystalline Soul Healing trademark, as well as inclusion in a listing of practitioners.