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Crystalline Soul Healing Modality


details in the description below.

Please note that Light Language and Crystalline Soul Healing are two separate classes and modalities. Do not take both at the same time, there is too much information and transformation to effectively excel. Jamye will teach CSH again in Autumn.


It is recommended that you have prior experience receiving and transmitting energy before learning this modality. It is an advanced concept of healing for those on a path of empowerment.

This modality and class are deeply transformative.

This class is online only. Your attendance live and on video is required for the initial 3 days of class.

The additional 5 weeks are preferred live, but replays will be available. Certification is available at no additional cost as long as requirements are met.

Live-Only Portion

March 21, 22, 23; 10am – 4pm AZ time 

Your on-video attendance is required for these 3 days. Jamye will initiate your access to the Crystalline Soul Healing template as she teaches about each aspect of how the modality works. No replays are available.

Confirm your time with Phoenix, Arizona here.

Practice and Application

Saturdays, 10 – 11:30am AZ time

March 29 – May 3

These 6 additional weeks of learning and practice with Jamye guide you through using the modality on yourself and others. Each exercise teaches you how the CSH template applies to different healing needs. This includes certification for those that want to use the modality professionally. Replays are available for this portion.

Additional details

In addition to the live teaching above, class includes access to supplemental videos and written materials. Supplemental video teaching begins a few weeks before the live portion starts so you are prepared to begin the live classes with the group.

This class is not an audit course. Your participation on video is required, along with live attendance to the initial 3 days of class. Your agreement to copyright and trademark terms is required and a waiver will be sent after signup.

Certification details will be provided during class, which is included in the additional weeks of practice at no additional cost.

If you have questions, please email us here.

Refund Policy

If you cannot attend the workshop, you can receive a 95% refund until noon MST on February 11, 2025. After February 11, 2025 at noon MST, no refund will be given. No refund will be given for partial attendance. Class is NOT transferable to another person. Further details on the refund policy can be found here.

I liked how the exercises rotated into different areas of possibilities.  This demonstrated the variety of the modality.

I really liked all the media and organic teaching Jamye offered. I loved every minute of it.

It was a very powerful experience that continues to reverberate and have impact.

Jamye’s teaching style, enthusiasm, content mastery and approach is unbelievably effective.

The thorough hand outs and discussions helped me to gain a thorough understanding of this complex and somewhat abstract subject!

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