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Showing 1–12 of 18 results
Brain Alchemy Teleclass
$15.00 Learn MoreThis class will discuss the dimensional models that define your interaction with life, and how to expand beyond them. This opens your mind to greater connective flow.More details in the description below.
Codes of Enlightenment Teleclass
$15.00 Learn MoreEnlightenment is a progression and more available than we often recognize, but your participation is required.More information and a sample in the description below.
Cosmic Crown Teleclass
$15.00 Learn MoreActivating your Cosmic Crown initiates your access to your cosmic heritage.More information in the description below.
Creative Focus Teleclass
$15.00 Learn MoreFocusing your creativity is your divine birthright and helpful to Life.More information in the description below.
Divine Expression Teleclass
$15.00 Learn MoreAs you express, life evolves. When the loving ones are living boldly, the world changes. Express your innate divinity.More information and a sample in the description below.
Empowered Sovereign Teleclass
$15.00 Learn MoreAs an empowered sovereign, your coherence and creative impact is amplified. Your energy teaches others by being.More information in the description below.
Hope Internal Teleclass
$15.00 Learn MoreHope is often misunderstood as a detrimental energy. Yet when hope is needed, it is the rope to salvation.More information in the description below.
Ignite Your Inner Spirit Teleclass
$15.00 Learn Moreigniting your inner spirit attunes you to the connective rules of the subtle realm, utilizing the vast engine that builds worlds.More details in the description below.
Inspired Action Teleclass
$15.00 Learn MoreWhen your actions are coming from an empowered trust in yourself and life, you have a profound peace that holds a strong foundation for chaos to harmonize through you.
More details in the description below.
Lion Heart Teleclass
$15.00 Learn MoreLetting your loving expression roar into your life is what changes this world. It's time!More information in the description below.
Loving Boundaries Teleclass
$15.00 Learn MoreHealthy boundaries help you honor your sacred inner realm and interact with greater empowerment.More information in the description below.
Passion Teleclass
$15.00 Learn MoreYour passion is a driving force of creation. Use it's power or it consumes like fire.More details in the description below.