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Divine Expression Teleclass


As you express, life evolves. When the loving ones are living boldly, the world changes. Express your innate divinity.

More information and a sample in the description below.


This class will help activate your 3rd and 5th chakras into an easy flow of Creative Empowerment. Your Divine Will is your birthright of free choice. Your personal will and expression are reflections of your ease with creative flow.

Does your life excite and support you? Do your relationships enrich you? Do you have loving expression with yourself and others? Your powerful expression changes your world!

This class contains channeled information, Light Language, Crystalline Soul Healing frequencies, and practical exercises to initiate your creative expression into your life.

Listen to a Sample:

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All digital sales are final for this product, no refunds or technical service will be provided. If you have trouble downloading your purchase, a new link will be sent within the first 2 weeks of purchase only. After 2 weeks, you are responsible for maintaining and backing up your download. No new links will be sent for any reason. If you have received a defective hard-copy CD refund details can be found here.

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