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Passion Teleclass


Your passion is a driving force of creation. Use it’s power or it consumes like fire.

More details in the description below.


Have you ever wondered about what your life would be like if you had the courage to pursue your passions? You have many unique passions that are begging to be brought into form.  The energy of the earth changes as you express your creative joy.  Whether you are cooking a meal, taking a walk, painting a picture, or deepening a relationship; you are a creative being.

In this class you will release the blocks to your creative courage.  You will amplify your ability to learn quickly, go with the flow, and read the clues of change that are calling your heart.

This class contains channeled information, Light Language, Crystalline Soul Healing frequencies and practical exercises to ignite your passion and creativity.

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All digital sales are final for this product, no refunds or technical service will be provided. If you have trouble downloading your purchase, a new link will be sent within the first 2 weeks of purchase only. After 2 weeks, you are responsible for maintaining and backing up your download. No new links will be sent for any reason. If you have received a defective hard-copy CD refund details can be found here.

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