Blessed Beings, as always it is a precious and powerful moment when we meet in your awareness. It is your awareness that shapes Life. It is your awareness that brings the energy of the world into you, and the energy of you into the world.

Your unique perspective touches all that you experience. Your unique flow changes the flow of the world around you. As a species you are becoming more and more conscious of your interaction with the subtle realm. You have always been and will always be communicating with the subtle realm.

Your thoughts and emotions are a subtle bridge, and they are how you communicate directly with the subtle realm.

It is important to understand the totality of your interaction with the subtle realm, so that you do not simply just apply the rules of the physical realm to the subtle realm. As you shape your interaction with the subtle realm, you begin to understand more empirically and clearly—that is where energy builds into form. You must understand the rules of energy to utilize the momentum of the subtle realm. 

Authenticity Creates Harmony

What you are building in the subtle realm does not have the conditions of form and time. It is therefore most important to become fully aligned with what you want, rather than thinking or feeling in a controlled way to create an outcome.

It is especially important that your thoughts and feelings are authentic so that you shift your own resonance into a clearer alignment with what you want to create. This creates a harmony within you that is resonant with your future creation. 

What is most important is that you become fully aligned with what you are wanting to create.

To “speak” clearly with the subtle realm through your thoughts and emotions, think and feel authentic thoughts, then realign them to shift into a clearer resonance of what you want to create. Perceive your own capability and creativity more easily. This aligns your vibration with what you are wanting to create. It changes you, and you change your world.

Your authenticity is your doorway to finding a true resonance and alignment with your improvement.

You are thinking and feeling authentically to move your internal resonance into alignment with your new creation, your new you, your new experience and desires. Suppression of “negative” emotions does not allow for their transformation, and it creates a stagnation in your own energy. 


Authenticity Creates Clarity

Your authenticity helps you go through the process of release and refinement. The process of release is the process of letting go so that change may occur—just as you must exhale to continue breathing.

Your authenticity triggers your awareness that you want something different and the catalyst of change begins.

It creates a harmony in your vibration that opens you to new choice. When you are authentic in the moment, you allow the emotions and the information that has accumulated from your past experiences to begin its natural transformation process into improvement. It is the natural flow of Life.

The next step in the process is integration and choice. As you begin the approach from an authentic thinking and feeling mechanism, you are using the momentum of the subtle realms because you are transforming your vibrational resonance. By the time you begin to create in the physical realm, you have already utilized the momentum of the subtle realm that builds worlds.

Authenticity Changes You

You are a forerunner of creating directly with the subtle realm. It is a much larger transformation than you often give yourself credit for because the subtle realms are invisible to your senses until you open your subtle senses. Then you must rely on your own internal experience for proof. You do; however, have synchronicities that show you that you are on track and creating in a real and profound way.

It takes time to fully integrate a deep understanding of working with the subtle realm and moving toward more conscious co-creation with Life. It takes a courageous balancing of masculine and feminine energies to master this flow.

Your authenticity allows for the nurturance of the self into a strength continues creation more easily.

You have an inherent deservability and capability. Your desires cannot even manifest into your awareness until you are resonant with potential solution. That is the power of your awareness.

Choose your focus. Allow your authentic information to flow—your fears, your excitement, your desires. This opens you to the flow of Life to come through you into the physical realm. In that moment of becoming aware of a change that you want to create in yourself and your world, you begin the process of release. You release that which is discordant or blocking your harmony with what you are wanting to create.

In that moment of release, you are also beginning another very important process of release—you are releasing your desire into the world. You release this energy from the subtle realm into the physical world. Resonance responds. Life begins supporting your process of creation in the physical realm. 

You are the vessel through which Life flows.

Your authenticity creates an awareness of desire. In that moment of awareness, you begin to become resonant with your desire. It is just a matter of time and choice before it becomes physical.

First choose your focus. Allow your authentic resistance and excitement to surface. Focus your awareness toward the feeling of your desired result. It is a process of release and refinement that creates integration and choice. Appropriate action will inspire from this new resonance within you.

It is a process that requires patience, because you are in the realm of matter and time. As you are patient with the outcome, you are creating harmony within yourself. It requires trust that you are deserving and capable of your creation.

You would not even have the awareness of the desire unless you were already resonant with it outside of physical time and space. Therefore you are already deserving and capable.


Authenticity Changes the World

It is the deservability that is often the key of change for the compassionate beings that create with the greater good in mind and heart. Sensitive beings will tend to suppress their own life force when they are in an environment with fear, negativity, domination and suppression. This is a survival mechanism, yet when it is not necessary for survival, it depletes thriving of the species.

Deservability is a key component for those with compassion becoming sufficiently empowered to allow their life force to stay strong enough to bring the passive force of Love into the active force of action and physical creation. The deservability (a feminine energy nurturance) creates a strength of flow for action (a masculine energy manifestation).

When action is connected to Love, you are utilizing the momentum of the subtle realm. The passive force of Love binds Life through resonance, which is another way of saying choice. That is different than the control of the physical realm. 

Deservability creates a balance within, a mastery within.

One of the easiest ways to build your deservability that Life has inherently granted you, is to enhance your internal connection with self love. Love yourself. This improves your internal harmony and flow. From that replenished wellspring of flow, you improve Life.
To enhance your self Love, put your hands over your heart and speak to yourself, as if you were talking to a beloved child. “I love you, [insert your name]. I trust you, [insert your name]. You are loved and valued by Life.”

As you feel into your own internal resonance, let any doubts begin to transform. Trust yourself to respond to the information that Life is flowing to you. As you open to your deservability within, your communication with Life will change. You will begin to attune to your harmony within that tells you when and how action is appropriate.

You are shifting internally so that you are resonant with Life. Your actions in the physical realm are then inspired from the momentum of the invisible realm within you and around you.

It is just a matter of time until manifestation (masculine energy), which you refine through transforming your authentic emotions into a new internal harmony (feminine energy). From this powerful resonance, your desires inspire action until it becomes manifest in the physical realm.

The key is self love, it opens you to your flow.

Life flows where Life force is resonant. Life wants you to thrive.

With this we remind you, Eeshah, Ehmah, Ehtah. We love you. We receive you. We bring your Love forward and are forever changed by your awareness. You are Life. You change Life with your awareness. You are powerful. You are valuable. Life changes through you. Eeshah, Ehmah, Ehtah.

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Meet Jamye

Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience.

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