Blessed Being, you meet a breath of stillness before the next movement. Yet there is movement within that stillness.
You are at a point of breathing the old and new simultaneously. It is around you, within you and beckoning your focus.
To transmute is to focus the freedom and restriction into Oneness.
It is one path of movement through you; varied, undefined but available.
Unique Being
Your work as you live and breathe is to allow the flow of your uniqueness to saturate your Life, to inform your field of being more than the external.
Active creation is a harmonic above the present, beyond the physical senses.
As you honor the old news of the present, you have new focus to be the future.
As you hold the higher harmonic of the future, you connect the past/present to new potential of Being.
Allowing Oneness
When the fear or confusion arises, soothe the mind. Foster patience.
Be in allowing.
Being allowing – the infinite wisdom that is inherent to Life.
Being allowing – the new to breathe through you.
Being allowing – the Connection of Life to be your presence.
It is the unformed, the unknown, the undefined breathing into form through Time.
Through you.
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Meet Jamye
Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience.