Sweet, sovereign Being; you have been graced with Life in individual form for your courage to do so.  It is not something you earn, for you have asked; it is something you answer.  You are at a poignant point of discovery at each moment.  In your current expression, you are discovering the Self as it relates to the Whole.  You are discovering your answers beget the question, and the discovery of Life continues.  Wholeness is the nature of Life, though that entails the seen and unseen, the spoken and the unspoken – the connection of duality.  Duality can be an ease or a disease, it is for you to answer that question of Life.  Duality is merely two opposites, Wholeness is your sovereign choice to be empowered enough to integrate both within you.  What then does Following Another have to do with this?

Following is a refinement of allowing.  To become Whole, you Allow Life to flow along your path and you direct/choose it into empowered expansion.  You direct and allow, allow and direct.  The circle encompasses and blurs the point of separation, as the beginning and the ending merge into Oneness.  This then is the benevolent Truth of Following.  It is not the giving up of the Self to another’s authority.  It is the Self creating a path of Life.  Allowing is the opening, following is the flowing and choosing, a simultaneous act of observing and desiring, that desire stirring the next path of flow.  Life will never ask you to Follow to your detriment, though that is a choice you can make.  Life will continually seek to flow you to your greatest path, such that a new path begins.  So as you Follow Another, you are recognizing the sovereignty in all, open to the flow of Life, and choosing for the Self.  In this way, you understand the interdependence of Life and you actualize the independence of Self.  The two are co-creative, creating a Wholeness that blazes a new trail for another to choose to merge.  This merging, from another perspective, creates a fork.  The beginning and the ending blur into One, Another One.

In Following Another, you are merely observing the reflection that Life is presenting to you.  You are the question in form, the answer forming.  Another reflects for you clues to your choices, that is what you Follow.  As you observe and choose, you are an Empowered Sovereign that is creating with the wealth of information that Life makes available to those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

As we sit to Blast Following Another, we are empowering our internal choice with external information, the two becoming One to create anew.  We are Allowing and directing our own flow of Life with the wisdom the past brings into the now.   We are the wayshowers of Loving Life, such that the clues we leave upon our path Light the way of Love for another.  We are the answer on a quest for Grace.  The path follows the heart.  Blast on!

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Meet Jamye

Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience.

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