Blessed Beings, your world seems solid and formed, indeed that is true and obvious.
Yet there is Truth that is not as obvious—some of it formed by invisible forces, some of it mere potential awaiting conditions to form.
Forming Structure
We have said continually that you live in a world, a reality, of conditions.
As you release resistance to these conditions, they become a structure for change, not a mere limitation.
Condition is an active force, so its application is in the visible realm.
Condition is the benefit of Time for linear steps, it is the formulating of ideas into specific creation. It is valuable and part of life on Earth.
Unconditionality has its place here, too.
It is the invisible openness that allows new form.
It is a passive force, so its power is in the invisible realm.
It is supported by letting go of inner pain and resistance. It is supported by Seeing the Potentials with an open heart and mind.
World Anew
As you form your world, your life; you are balancing your interaction with the conditions of life and your unconditional potential within. Your inner strength determines your ability to shift conditions in the external world.
Strength is your ability to interact with life as it is, and see benefit and new potential in any challenge.
Think about that for a moment. Any challenge has benefit. Will you take that benefit and create a new life with it, ultimately a new world with it?
Any challenge creates new potential.
You are the new potential.
Forming You Anew
As we sit to Blast Forming Anew, we are actively creating a new potential within and nurturing its growth into this physical realm.
We are well with the conditions of time and the collective of humanity, for change is constant and improvement is the natural evolution of Life.
We are recognizing support from within and from others, as our intent of Love magnetizes those of like resonance.
We are strengthening through support and challenge, for both are Life calling us to more Love, more focus, more active creation.
We are open to Life with an excitement that understands Life is within and it is Forming Anew through us.
Blast on!
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Meet Jamye
Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience.