To Allow is a passive force, for it builds in the unseen. Yet it requires your active choice. You are learning your innate power, your creative abilities, your place in this Earthly world and the dimensions beyond physical reality. Your innate power and creative abilities are within your unique perception and experience. Your choice brings your innate power to form.
Active force is visible in the physical realm. It is a necessary aspect of life and you do this each time you move your body to take a step forward. The physical realm is the experience that your senses have created from frequency; perceiving a wave as a smell, a color, a temperature, a density. It is benevolent, valuable, and as you embrace it, you open to your mastery with it. The power of active force is in the physical realm.
Passive force is invisible in the physical world. Its power is within the subtle, invisible realm. Passive force compels, magnetizes and draws the components of creation together to form anew. The bonding, the connection, is the alchemy that happens within you as you open your heart to connect with your life and life around you. 
Your awareness is the beginning of the physical realm; therefore, the passive and active force shifts with your awareness. As you Allow life to touch your heart; you have choice within you. In that moment of allowing connection, will you become active, maintaining the power of your force and transform the information? Or will you remain passive, allowing what you have drawn to you to merely consume you?   
Your choice is a vehicle of movement, it is the catalyst. It creates a change in direction. Even if you choose inaction, you are choosing a direction. As you utilize your innate power, your creative abilities within your awareness, you are beginning the transformation of data into a new creation. 
Working within the subtle realm begins to form a new creation. Working in the physical realm moves a formed creation. Both are valuable based on the needs of the experience. Observe your life. Decide if it is time to form a new creation or to move a formed creation along a path. This will help you determine if it is time for visible action, the active force; or invisible action, the passive force. They intertwine, so it will never be just either/or. These forces meet within you, you are ‘and,’ the connection point of the active and passive, that creates new form. 
Change is inevitable and change is always good. Love is the binding force of all life. It is a passive force that compels Life to new form. At its core, though you may not see it visibly yet, Love is bonding new form. It is the kernel of change that will eventually seed new growth visibly. 
What force are you using to change? Are you utilizing the powerful invisible engine that builds worlds atom by invisible atom? Is it a moment best served by your patience to focus and await new form? Is it a moment of moving a formed creation in a new direction? These forces intertwine within you, so Allow Love to flow more fully and you will feel more comfortable with your full force of creation.
As we sit to Blast Forcing Change, we are well with the pace of creation for we are eternally creating. We are discerning the moment for the subtle details of force that best serve a moment of change. We are calm in the midst of chaos, reaching a new coherence of strength that is unshakable in the deconstruction of the old forms. We are freeing the mind from action and allowing the heart to lead with the power of magnetic Love.  We are bringing the new world into creation; the creation is our reaction of Love transforming Life. Blast on!

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Meet Jamye

Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience.

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