Blessed Being, as you observe life on Earth, it is obvious that many are suffering. Many are victims to bad circumstances, born into unlucky places or experiences. How do you resolve that with the Love that Life is? How do you maintain your focus on Love amidst that pain? Even those in pain would chide you for your avoidance of their distressing truth.

Observe your intentions, for you have a core connection to Love that desires improvement for All Life, including yourself. That self-preservation is in-built into All Life. Even one that is resolute in their victimhood and blaming you for it, is just preserving the self. It is an act of Love and merely a fear-based survival mechanism.

To evolve, you must look beyond the obvious. Each being must. There is a separation and a sovereignty that is a functionality of the Earth experience. Your free will is an internal experience. This is necessary for each being to grow their unique courage.

With this understanding of free will being internal, you have your clue to Changing the World. You change it from within. You change it from the core. You do not just allow an action in a moment to be the defining factor. You look within, at the core of what is being said in the quiet voice of Love seeking connection. This then incorporates the present moment and the future potential. You are utilizing the full flow of Time.

For Change to take root, it is invisible at first. For Change to take root, safety is paramount, yet it is this rooting that provides the safety. That which you fear, lean into gently in your heart, and allow the harmony of Life to soothe you into perceiving a new possibility, even if it is undefined in the moment.

Lean Gently Into Fear by Jamye Price

What silent solution hasn’t been given voice? What potential is growing beneath the surface that isn’t obvious? What seed of the future will you water and nurture into growth? Will you trust in the flow of Life that when a seed is planted and nurtured, it Changes? Be that Change.

To Change the World, change your inner world, change your perspective, see a potential that is not obvious in the moment.
To Change the World, hold your vibration of harmony within that emanates silently outward, even in the midst of chaos.
To Change the World, take actions that come from your inner knowing that more than just the obvious is changing.


Do not let fear or suffering throw you out of your state of Conscious Peace. Allow your wholeness to reign, it solves the deep issues that create the chaos that humanity is experiencing. It is the salve to soothe the suffering that many human beings are unconsciously creating.

Life is fail-safed toward Love. Time assures this. No being has ever been punished by Life, only Loved unconditionally. But receiving that and allowing it into your life is your sovereign choice. Receive that Change.

As we sit to Blast Changing the World, we are steadfastly focused on the root of Love supporting our thriving. We are causing an effect of Love on the core of issues that challenge humanity, for we understand the potential of each human being. We are healing our own vibrations into a coherence of Love’s harmony, as we excite the potential atoms of the future forming. We are the change, for it is within us, anchoring into this world through us. We are allowing our immense invisible Love to change life on Earth by being the reflection of Love, Peace, and Courage. Change is constant, and our constant is Love. Blast on!

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Meet Jamye

Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience.

More about Jamye