Blessed Being, freedom is your choice flowing into your life. As you balance what you create with the co-creation of others, you discover the boundaries of your freedom. This is based on the conditions of the physical world. It is based on your perceptions of possibility and the resonance of your vibration with your desires.

The conditions of the physical world indicate separation. Indeed, it is part of the functionality and form of the Earth experience. As you observe and accept the conditions around you, you soothe your vibration into connection—technically into resonance, for connection is an invisible truth that is constant, though not initially obvious.

At this time, you are learning the rules of the law of resonance in great detail.

This requires that you apply it into your life and observe the response and information flow that you are receiving. Are you feeling differently? Do you notice flow or stagnation? Is it a time of rest, action, focus, or play? Life will call you to interaction continuously, but it looks different in each moment.

As you work with the law of resonance, it is not that you are controlling your outer experience, it is that you are shifting your inner experience to connect with and become one with your desires—Life itself.

It may seem contrary to accept the separation to enhance the connection, yet it is the core understanding of your empowerment. It supports your ability to Love that which you disagree with or don’t desire. It supports your ability to take action for change and bring your desires into physical form.

It is this acceptance of the physical separation that allows you to find the invisible connection with others that are so unlike you.

It gives you the strength to hold your Love in the midst of fear, anger, or chaos around you. It gives you the fortitude and patience (peace in action) to allow form its time to ripen. It gives you the knowing of who you are within the collective of humanity, and to reflect that Love to those that have not yet heard the whisper within.

Empowered Sovereign Connected by Jamye Price

In essence, you are becoming a connected one, an empowered sovereign that understands the functionality of separation on Earth, and integrates the invisible connection of All Life. You are allowing the Will of Love to create a new humanity, instead of the separation that creates fear and domination. You are a force of change that is passive in nature, but powerful in its core. But it is invisible. To embody this empowerment, you can not rely on circumstance changing to feel satisfaction.

You are learning to rely on your understanding of your power within Life, for you are Life. In this way, you are becoming one being that is holding a true resonance of Love within Life on Earth. Not a resonance of separation from humanity as walls are maintained to create a feeling of bliss, but a true resonance of empowered Love, whether walls are present or not.

As we sit to Blast Being One, we are maintaining a powerful flow of Love, as we observe life on Earth and see the potential of Love within each being. We are understanding the value of separation as it creates a call to connection that fulfills as it grows. We are aligning our internal resonance with our outer desires, magnetizing synchronicity with those of like heart. We are patient, powerful, and boldly Loving; allowing the fear of humanity to discover its strength within. We are connected to the potential of Love, for we have already discovered it within and are emanating it out consciously, unabashedly, and eternally. Blast on!

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Meet Jamye

Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience.

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