The Energies of August
July Review
July had a lot of focus around heart/mind coherence. As we unite these two powerful aspects, we become connective, wise, discerning, focused and able to choose and participate with life more fully.
Participation is a big theme this year. As you participate in your life more fully, you are strengthening your clarity, force and connection. What I mean by ‘force’ is your power to flow. Kind of like how a stage actor will strengthen their voice so that they can project loud enough to be heard throughout the theater.
You need that same flow in your own life. Project your energy into it! Wise yet fearless creative flow. When you feel a path of flow opening, know that you can swim that current. (Or wisely wear some floaties!) J
uly had some emotional intensity to it. Especially toward the end of the month, there was some raw and/or inflamed emotions. As the heart opens, you release vibrational data that is not resonant with your soul path of Ascension into a higher state of consciousness. You also must strengthen emotionally so that you are strong enough to maintain your authentic vibration rather than getting thrown off balance when viewing something challenging.
When you are strong, that is when true compassion is available. Viewing another in a state of weakness (the active force that is visible), while knowing their strength that has the potential to emerge (the passive force that builds true change in the invisible). Are you viewing yourself with compassion?
Some may have also noticed some sensations and changes with the brain. For many months now, those on a path of self-development have been collectively moving into more of an active alpha wave (~8 to 15 Hz) brain state.
Generally once you start taking action or talking, you are in a beta wave brain state (~12 to 35 Hz). We are blending access into the active awareness and the meditative connection. A very cool upgrade! Sometimes these brain changes have caused a need for more sleep, disrupted sleep, a need for more food (proteins and/or carbohydrates), mental fuzziness, more daydreaming. All good stuff ultimately, as we will integrate into a higher functionality as the heart and mind unify into greater coherence.
August Energies – Hear Me Roar!
I was shown one vision: a human throat but with a lion roaring out of it! Lions don’t just walk around roaring for no reason. They roar to establish their territory. They roar to warn. They also roar to call in reinforcements, if they have established them. When a lion roars, the power is felt and they don’t do it lightly. Are you roaring in your own life? In a moment of creation, it looks like powerful flow. YES! In a moment of mundane it looks like appreciation. Thank you.
This vision for August energies has a lot to do with boundaries. Are yours helping you to connect with your pride, emanate your truth, and say ‘yes’ to what you want, sometimes by saying ‘no’ to what you don’t want?Healthy boundaries protect in a way that still keeps you open and interacting with life, but in safe and supportive ways. It isn’t always pleasant holding healthy boundaries. When you first establish a new boundary, it is like building a muscle. It takes some effort at first, but it gets easier as you increase your strength. And there are benefits beyond just a stronger muscle. Your hormones, endurance, metabolism and many more systems are positively affected as you strengthen a muscle. It’s the same with boundaries. You may say YES! to sharing your art in a gallery, but it will have a greater potential than just who sees it in the gallery and purchases a painting. It can enhance your creative flow, improve self-perception, open you to collaborations, help you focus to a better schedule, and more.
You may so NO! to a bad relationship. Instead of that being a track to loneliness, it is actually a powerful vibrational emanation that can establish a boundary of respect, honesty, clear communication, and deeper connection in all of your relationships. Why do I say that ‘it can’ instead of ‘it does?’ You are a powerful co-creator of your life. When you make a choice, you must continue your effort in the direction of improvement. You don’t get stuck on what amount of art sales equals success/failure. You don’t get stuck on not having a date for a while. If you keep spinning in a circle of worry, doubt and resentment, you don’t spiral out into a new expansion. You must keep focusing your effort toward improvement (which sometimes looks like rest). Improvement may not be obvious in the moment, and it takes patience as the new ‘muscle’ is built. Sometimes improvement is tears releasing. Sometimes improvement is laughing with a friend or watching a funny movie. Sometimes improvement is a new action step. Improvement is the active/passive force meeting from many different angles (ha! I typo’d angels there! ;o)
Areon has channeled that our boundaries mimic the atomic structure (as does life in general). Boundaries are 99% ‘space’ (invisible/subconscious) and 1% matter (action). 99% of your boundaries are your vibrational emanation and 1% requires your active choice in the moment. But when you are in the midst of creating or strengthening a boundary, it feels like the reverse! Remember that with some effort of choosing a healthy boundary, support may be invisible in the moment, but it is there. Know that your choice to say YES! to yourself, is a choice of saying YES! to improvement. Know that you are in a continual process of improvement that sometimes may feel like the safety of a cocoon or the effort to push out of the cocoon so you can fly free. This is your time of expression! Throat Chakra Energy The throat is the chakra of manifestation. What you begin as creation within, manifests through the throat. A sculptor that works with his or her hands is utilizing throat chakra energy. It is not just the words we say aloud or don’t say, that is only part of the throat chakra energy. It is the result of your internal choice. Are you choosing a YES! for yourself? It changes your world.
In this Year of Creativity – participate! Participate in your life – choose! Life wants you to choose. Life wants you to thrive. You are life! Get in the mud of your life and make pies. Get in the clouds of your life and float. Get in the deep waters within and be still enough to hear what your heart has to say. Does it tell you it’s afraid? It’s lonely? It’s longing? Then choose! Choose to take a risk on courageously reaching out to life and participating! When you meet a challenge, roar your courage into the action of Love! It’s a verb! Participate with it! August Summary This will be a month of movement. I feel like there is still a bit of ‘burning off’ of energies that will begin to smooth out in September – and be SO beneficial for what September offers. The energies are building into a beautiful culmination point that never ends, it just keeps improving. That is the natural pull of Life. You are on a path that is worth letting your ‘roar’ of Love be heard! That vibration penetrates your world and your life changes. You are so worth it!
Happy August!
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Meet Jamye
Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience.