April Energies – The Strength to Create March Review
Woohoo! That was an intense and valuable swirl of energy in March! The final of seven squares of Pluto/Uranus was followed by a solar eclipse in the final degree of the final sign of the zodiac on the Equinox! Bam! Finally! ;o) With the lunar eclipse in Libra on April 4 (4/4 in an 8 year!) we are still in a phase of great change, and of course eclipses are still working with us beyond the initial alignment. A few days after the Equinox power portal I felt a sense of relief, as if much had been released and a new empowerment was born. With any upshift in empowerment comes a greater flow of Love, so it is getting exciting!
March was a month of physical Ascension symptoms for many – throat, (major throat chakra release in March!) lungs, ears, (OMG – the ears!) lower back and neck were the common ones was I was hearing. These intense astrological energies squeeze out imbalanced vibration and the magnetic resonance of the planetary alignments will emphasize certain energies, so if you have a weak link in a physical, emotional or mental area that corresponds, you will notice the effects. March was a great catalyst!
April Energies
April feels ever so slightly less intense. Is that good news? ;o) This is an 8 year (2+0+1+5=8), so movement and momentum will be par for the course. We are adjusting to continual upshifts in energy, which is more alignment, more empowerment, more creativity, more understanding, more intuition, more excitement, more releasing, and more! April starts with a lunar eclipse in Libra. Libra is all about balance, which is a core energy of Ascension in this experience of Polarity Integration.
Polarity Integration is about moving beyond the confines of duality into a whole being of balance. As we embrace the challenges as opportunities, we are beginning that integration process. It’s not a science of exact steps that apply to every situation. This is why individual empowerment is so important. Each person needs to be able to discern what choices/consequences apply to each situation. That takes practice, it takes Trust in Life and the Self, and it requires the release of fears and trauma that keep one choosing based on desperation (or any degree of such).
Spreading Your Wings to Fly
There are two dominant energies that I am feeling in April. First, I was shown an image of energy flowing out from the heart and throat area in a swoop that looked like wings. I was then given the phrase “The strength to create” by Areon. This is exciting and it feels directly related to all that we released and conquered internally in March to reach a new level of empowerment.
Creating applies to everything in life, you are creating relationships, money flow, internal peace, businesses, the future – most importantly, you are creating you. And you, Divinity in form, effect all that you encounter. The imagery, looking like wings spreading out, is indicative of our work of becoming Light enough to fly (yay for releasing!) and courageous enough to leave the safety of the nest.
Sometimes it’s easy to miss the things that are weighing you down. It can seem like it’s better to focus away from them. There is a time for that, and you’ll know it because you’re able to focus away and see or feel progress. There is also a time to deal with the anger, resentment and shame that is clogging your flow of Love, excitement with Life, Joy to soar higher and higher. There are two ways this avoidance occurs. One is polarizing to trying to pretend nothing is wrong, everything is love and sequestering yourself off from life except in your controlled environments. The other is focusing on what is wrong and pretending like you are powerless to change anything. These are themes that have been coming up more this year because it is a year of creative flow. In order to have powerful creative flow, you must own your creative responsibility. Observe, choose and take action (sometimes action is resting or waiting for the appropriate timing).
Releasing Shame
The second energetic theme of April is Releasing Shame. There is little that is more separative than shame. It is something that a person holds within, hides within, and deteriorates around. That’s a bit dramatic, but ultimately, shame is a destructive force. Shame keeps us from fully loving the Self and connecting with others and life.
Shame can be such a strong word that many will feel that it doesn’t apply. This is because shame is hidden within, often even from the Self. The ways that it manifests will differ for an individual. Sometimes it looks like lashing out in anger, other times it looks like too timid to speak. Sometimes it looks like promiscuity or serial dating as bouncing from partner to partner keeps one from dealing with the depth of intimacy (with the self and another). Sometimes it looks like giving and giving to another (to mask internal feelings), other times it looks like taking and taking. Sometimes it looks like working out to the extreme or anorexia/bulimia, to over eating to the point of obesity. There are so many more examples. And of course all of these examples are things that some will have in balance, without the force of shame, so you must look within and observe yourself with detachment and Love. Yours need not be that strong, but it is worth your freedom to release any resonance you can uncover with great Love.
Shame is a deep one for humanity. The ultimate separator. Shame and avoidance often go hand in hand. For one that has shame, the self-worth is depleted in ways that are not always obvious. In this month’s video, there is an exercise that is designed to help you release shame (it merely requires your intent) without wallowing in the negative. There is no need to quagmire yourself to release. Yet without honest self-observance, the human mind will distract and avoid, then end up confused when relationships, abundance and peace aren’t working out. Please pray for humanity to release shame with grace and ease, as it is an energy that is surfacing for many at this time.
While shame is a great disconnector, Love is the greatest connector there is. As you Love into any inkling of shame within, you’ll discover that it was a gift of support from a Universe of Love that wants you thriving. Feel gratitude for yourself that you had the courage to look, discover and transmute through Love. Feel gratitude for the energy of shame that showed you how you can disconnect and reconnect with a greater power and determination. You so deserve it. You are a blessing to this world and you have so much Love to share. The Light Language in the monthly video is probably one of the strongest I’ve experienced on the videos. They are often gentler to be of more benefit to many. This one is helping to deal with the release of shame and the anchoring of the strength to create, so you can also watch/listen to it repeatedly until you feel you’re done with it. Your Higher Self activates the encodements for your best release and activation. I
n Summary
April will still have a bit of intensity to it, but as you approach that from the excitement of a fast moving roller coaster, you may enjoy it! Sometimes you’re climbing up the hill (taking the high road?!) for the great whoosh of thrill and fast movement (manifestation!). Only to climb another hill later. Woohoo! We know how this goes! Enjoy each step of the process, for it is you that you are creating. And this world is so benefitted by every act of healing you do within, and every act of Love you flow externally. April may call you to both. I honor your power and service to Light and Life. Create miracles this month!
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Meet Jamye
Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience.