Am I. Formed as a question, but this time speaks to Knowing, not asking. The question asked is simultaneously answered. You are. One person among billions, and yet, you are. Your value is unfathomable. The vast Love and Appreciation for you unseen, often unfelt, but enfolding each cell of your Being with unwavering dedication, for this is the True Sustenance. You are this, Creator. So valuable that the keys to the kingdom were given to you freely, and never have they been taken away. These keys, held in the grasp of Love, available to you at any moment, grant you access to your Divine Creatorship.
As with any key, there is an understanding of how and where it works and then there is access. From the unseen, this world is One of Love, built upon the silent force that beckons but will never coerce. This is the access point, the initial building block, the master key. Love. Silent, for it needs no voice, it is within all sound, all sentiment. Each word spoken and unspoken transports Love forth, perhaps at times shrouded in rage, disappointment or fear, but there it is – beckoning the True Sustenance. As you open the fist, Love fills the space, holding the hand of fear through the darkest night. Love doesn’t scream for retribution, it heals the wounded heart that beats with yet no knowledge of its own grace and value. It needs but the reflection of forgiveness, understanding and honor to feel that silent call of the Divine. This freedom is granted to you by an entire Universe that knows of your ability to find that pulse of Love, nourish it with soft moments of release that the momentum of Love builds until your drum is thundering forth Love louder than any rage, louder than any retribution, louder than any fear or foe.
This is Who You Are. Love so prevalent and prolific that each atom of each cell, each space between, cheers you silently forward to create, Creator. Your voice is magic. Your attention is powerful. Your ability to Love is limitless and beckons you to your glory.
Follow your heart, for it knows you as Love everlasting and reflects a world of Divinity that is inherently YOU. Perfection in all moments, for each moment propels new Love forth. Will you open your hand to receive?
As we sit to Blast Am I, we are answering the call and the question. We are understanding that we are a reflection of Grace – forgiveness, understanding, life anew. We see the answer reflected, Am I/I Am, for there is no other need but to open the heart and receive that which is. We are releasing the fears and disappointments that hardened our heart, fisted our hands and crossed our arms. We open to Love, for as we focus on the perspective of Love and Forgiveness, we open the Flow of Love into our life and out into our world. We are understanding that any challenges are but a momentary experience to a Creator that has access to an unseen force that builds worlds. We are allowing ourselves to Live and Create with Freedom from the past and future through embracing the now as a reflection that summons us to our Mastery. We are remembering that we are Powerful Beings of Love, transforming our world from unseen Grace to the new world of Love and Freedom in form. Blast on!

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Meet Jamye

Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience.

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