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Annual Subscription – keep for testing
$1.00 / day
The Journey 2022: Creative Harmonics is based on Areon’s (the Lyran Council of Time) blueprint of the year’s focus of expansion through the monthly energies. It uses the Four Pillars of Ascension to direct your journey, which are Awareness, Initiation, Releasing and Expansion. More information in the description below.
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The Journey 2022: Creative Harmonics is based on Areon’s (the Lyran Council of Time) blueprint of the year’s focus of expansion through the monthly energies. It uses the Four Pillars of Ascension to direct your journey, which are Awareness, Initiation, Releasing and Expansion.
Your Annual Subscription includes:
- Awareness Pillar: Lyran Perspective Channeling video
- Initiation Pillar: Written resource and exercise (pdf download)
- Releasing Pillar: Teaching video with healing transmissions
- Expansion Pillar: Written resource and exercise (pdf download)
- Member Forum and Comments
- Jamye may post additional content sometimes, like card readings or Q & A
- Lessons stay available for the entire calendar year
- Most audio programs can be downloaded, videos are not downloadable
- 20% off the monthly price
- Your access begins when you subscribe and contains all information for the year (as it’s available).
Please note: these offerings may change if needed. For instance, if a video isn’t feasible an audio may be substituted.
Refund Policy
You can cancel at anytime and your card will not be charged again the following year, however; no refunds will be given.