February Review
February had a fast pace to it, with an odd feeling of stillness mixed within it. This is a perfect setup for getting used to change and being peaceful, even while you are within action. That is the difference between doing and being—when you are conscious, even as you are doing something, you are connected and in a state of “being.”
February felt like a lot going on under the hood that wasn’t as obvious. This is the change within the subtle aspects of self that are helping to shift you into wholeness with the internal and external.
February’s energy of Conscious Coherence is prepping us for more unification of the heart and mind, a unified energy field, the being and doing—harmonizing the human self with the higher self. February was great preparation for the energies of March…
March Energies
Overall the energy of March is about Mental Clarity. Areon is calling 2016 the Year of Clarity. In January we focused on opening and clearing the heart. February brought an overview of becoming more conscious and unified from within. In March, there will be more energy around perceptions, perspectives, how we are shaping our experience with our minds, and how we can open the mind so that it follows the heart.
We have eclipses in March (Pisces and Libra), so the water and air signs will be bringing emphasis to the emotions and thoughts. Eclipses offering a reset of energy, a potential for a new path. Observe how your thoughts are stirring emotion. When you have a negative emotional charge on something, that is indicating that you have a resonant energy within you, a resistance, or a past trauma that is calling for resolution. When you feel balanced emotionally, you have a strong internal foundation of Love presiding. Love allows. Love understands. Love sees potential. Love will say no when that best serves evolution.
Set an intention to work with the eclipses to reset your mental and emotional balance for your highest good. You are a powerful being. As you are balanced emotionally, open mentally, and consciously interacting with Life, change happens. This year is about refining your energetic nature so that you are a powerful force in your life, offering hope, possibility and new potential to anchor here on Earth. It’s why you came from the stars!
Mental Clarity
A powerful side effect of this month can be more trust in yourself and in the flow of life. We’ve learned enough about thinking positively to know that it is important, but it needs to be grounded in reality to serve you here. If positive thinking is an avoidance pattern or a punishment pattern (i.e. “my life isn’t perfect, so I failed at thinking positively enough” etc.), then it is not helping you. When you deal with reality and have a powerful flow of Love that supports your capability, you are a powerful electromagnetic force of new creation forming in the subtle realms, then forming in the physical realm. First you’ll notice synchronicities occurring. Take note of them because they indicate that you are aligning and they help you experience more trust in life and trust in yourself.
Observing your thoughts and feelings is necessary for clarifying how you can allow more Love to flow within you. Forgive easily. Practice finding new perspectives that you believe, even if you don’t have all the answers as to “how.” Use your imagination and combine it with your feelings (imagine yourself happy and feel it – even though you’re imagining and not figuring out “how”) so that you are blending your heart/mind interaction. As you practice these, you are bringing unconscious information into your awareness, you are releasing discordant vibration, and you are amplifying your vibration of Love. It’s more powerful than you often get to see in the moment. (Yay synchronicity!)
March Summary
This is a powerful time to observe your thoughts and feelings. Use that eclipse energy to reset yourself into a new balance of all is well and all is changing. Don’t be concerned when you encounter a negative thought or feeling within yourself. Be courageous enough to transform it into a strength that is emerging from a vulnerability. You are harmonizing yourself into a powerful flow of new energy. Change is inevitable, and Life is supporting your growth. Time Marches on!

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Meet Jamye
Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience.