Time is your ally. It is merely a marker point for you to observe, adjust and choose direction. Its flow is a response to your inner world and an outer observable fact. It flows along like a wave in the ocean, only part of its movement visible to the naked eye. With a wave, you see the effect of the spiraling movement creating a push/pull. It is the same with Time. It has the effect of pushing and pulling you into focus, movement, rest and choice.
Knowing When is a valuable asset as you create your world. When it is time to rest can be an obvious one for sleep. But, for example, when is it time to rest your focus on a subject of desired creation? You have been taught that action creates, and indeed it does. You are now learning the action of your inner world. Focusing or directing your thoughts and feelings is part of that invisible equation. Rest or allowing is the other action step of that invisible, inner equation of creation. Sometimes you must rest your focus, your directing of life, and allow the ebb and flow of information to push or pull you in a new direction.
Knowing When requires some attention to the details that life is showing you. Life will show you in many ways; through thoughts and feelings, discussion with another, media outlets that you read, hear or see. You are in constant communication with life. Are you listening to it?
Listening is a passive force, like Love. Its benefit is in the invisible realm. It begins creating in the powerful, foundational realm. Are you listening to life, to yourself, to others? What depth of information are you hearing and taking within so that you may choose with new information? Relax more, listen more and you will hear Life speaking to you. Listen more through the ears of Love rather than resistance. Love is where new information resides.
As we sit to Blast Knowing When, we are flowing easily with the tides of change, allowing life to assist our direction. We are open to new information, even if Time is testing our strength to await new form. We are listening with patience, peace and an openness to the perfection of life converging in our hearts. We are well with resting, allowing and changing direction, for the journey of action has many forms. We are peaceful in the knowing of our ally in Time, understanding that our connection with Life is deeper than the visible waves flowing. Blast on!
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Meet Jamye
Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience.