Frequently Asked Questions
If you have additional questions, please contact us here
If you are interested in a private session with Jamye, you can find more information here
What is Crystalline Soul Healing®?
Crystalline Soul Healing is an ancient Lyran methodology developed by Jamye Price. It is an advanced process of multi-layered change that supports empowered flow. It is an alchemical healing Template that reprograms the instructions and interactions of your DNA through your Higher Self.
A session can assist you to heal patterns, misinformation and trauma that inhibit your natural, loving communication with Life. It supports your empowerment as you learn to navigate your life with more wisdom and Love.
Crystalline Soul Healing is a modality for the new paradigm of empowerment and healing as humanity evolves into a more conscious connection with the subtle realm of creation that manifests the physical world.
What can Crystalline Soul Healing do? Does it work on "this issue?"
Crystalline Soul Healing is not limited to only working on certain issues. It can work on physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and situational issues. It works holistically with the core wounding within your energetic information. It is not bound by time or space.
Crystalline Soul Healing is an empowerment modality, meaning it always cedes to your Higher Self rather than attempting to control your outcome from limited human knowledge and desire.
A Crystalline Soul Healing session does not allow the healer or you to control the healing so that you are only experiencing what your ego wants. No guarantees of a specific healing or result can be made. Your Higher Self, your divinity; is determining your outcome for your highest good.
How many sessions do I need?
Healing can be instantaneous, transpire over time, come in layers, or in a different form than you expected. Some people clear quickly, others heal over time.
Sometimes you need to experience situations to embody your healing. You may need to make behavioral changes like standing up for yourself, exercising, or more meditation and relaxation time. Other times it may be a path of multiple healers assisting you. There is no “one size fits all” approach.
Follow your intuition of what feels right for you. Healing always happens and it unfolds perfectly because your Higher Self is guiding your outcome. Jamye’s role is to facilitate the Crystalline Soul Healing Template for your highest good, and provide any intuitive information that arises.
Can we work on more than one thing in a session?
Your intention is powerful. You can have a list of what you’d like to work on, or you can just allow whatever is for your highest good.
If you have a list of topics, Jamye will have you go through them so she can attune to what your Higher Self and non-physical Guides are bringing forth as pertinent for the session. She may be giving you information or asking you questions to surface any information into your consciousness.
Crystalline Soul Healing sessions are to support your path of empowerment. The information that arises will be in alignment with that, so while you are free to ask questions of any nature, Jamye will only use her intuition as it pertains to your Ascension.
Can I talk to Jamye briefly to determine if her work is right for me?
Jamye is not available for consultations, nor will she advise anyone that they need a session. In this time of empowerment, you are responsible for following your own intuition as to whether or not a session feels right for you. There is a clear refund policy on your purchase page so you can make a decision with guidelines that are fair to both parties.
Can I learn to do Crystalline Soul Healing?
Yes, Jamye teaches this unique modality to others. More information here.
Is Crystalline Soul Healing the same as Light Language?
No, they are two completely different modalities, yet they combine well together. Some people only do Crystalline Soul Healing, other people combine it with Light Language or other complementary techniques. You can find classes to learn Crystalline Soul Healing or Light Language here.
What is the difference between Crystalline Soul Healing and the Axiatonal Alignment?
Crystalline Soul Healing is designed to work on specific issues and help you transform through your higher self.
In contrast, the Axiatonal Alignment is a one-time activation of your universal meridian system, which is an aspect of your Lightbody. While this does initiate some changes, there is no availability to direct the process toward specific changes.
Does Jamye teach how to do an Axiatonal Alignment?
No, she did not develop this process and does not teach it. She offers the sessions because it is a foundational and transformative process. More information here.
Are there any issues Jamye will not work on?
Jamye’s work focuses on empowerment, however energy healing is not appropriate for every person, nor every situation. If you have an emergency, you need to contact the appropriate authorities. If you are suicidal, Jamye is not authorized to help you. Please find help HERE immediately.
Jamye does not provide psychic readings, future predictions or guarantees of an outcome. She will not “read” other people for you. She only allows any intuitive information that is appropriate for your empowerment.